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[영어/독해] 그냥2 In order to successfully release himself from the control of his parents, a child must be secure in his parents' power, as represented by their loving authority. The more effectively they communicate that authority, the more secure the child feels, and the etter able he is to move away from them toward a life of his own. During this lengthy process, whenever he feels threatened, he turns back to.. 2017. 1. 29.
[영어/독해] 그냥1 The child whose parents are fond of him accepts their affection as a law of nature. He does not think very much about it, although it is of importance to his happiness. He thinks about the world, about the adventures that come his way and the more marvellous adventures that will come his way when he is grown up. But beheind all these external interests there is the feeling that he will be protec.. 2017. 1. 19.
[영어/단어] 10 words(2) 1. archenemya chief enemy; Satan2. patriarchthe male head of a family or tribe3. anarchysociety without rule or government; lawlessness; disorder; confusion; chaos.4. hierarchyany system of persons or things ranked on above another; formerly, rule by church leaders, especially a high priest5. monarchyrule or government by a king, queen, emperor, or empress6. oligarchyrule or government by a few .. 2016. 1. 24.
[영어/단어] 10 words(1) 1. effusive (감정표현이) 야단스러운[과장된] unduly(지나치게) demonstrative; lacking reserve2. raison d'etre 존재이유reason or justification for being or existing3. amblyopia 약시dimness of sight, without an apparent organic cause4. exegesis (특히 성서의) 주해[해설]a critical explanation or interpretation, especially of Scripture(성서)5. dishabille 약복, 평복the state of being carelessly or partly dressed; a state of disarray or diso.. 2016. 1. 6.
[영어/단어] 10 words 1. badinage 친근한 농담light, playful banter or raillery2. salubrious 살기좋은, 건강에 좋은favorable to or promoting health; healthful3. apocryphal 출처가 불문명한, 사실이 아닐듯한of doubtful authenticity; false4. putsch 정부전복시도, 반란a plot to overthrow a government5. effeminacy 한글사전봤을 때의 뉘앙스와 영문해설의 뉘앙스가 다름.the quality of being soft or delicate to an unmanly degree in traits, tastes, habits, etc.6. daub= coat, cover, plaster,.. 2015. 10. 5.
[영어] Noel Gallagher Interview 노엘 갤러거 / Noel Gallagher / Eric Nam / 에릭남 꿀잼ㅎㅎㅎ유쾌하닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋ솔직돋는듯 2015. 4. 22.