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[영어/독해] 그냥1

by 냠뇸냠 2017. 1. 19.

The child whose parents are fond of him accepts their affection as a law of nature. He does not think very much about it, although it is of importance to his happiness. He thinks about the world, about the adventures that come his way and the more marvellous adventures that will come his way when he is grown up. But beheind all these external interests there is the feeling that he will be protected from disaster by parental affection. THe child from whom for any reason parental affection is withdrawn is likely to become timid and unadventureous, filled with fears and self-pity, and no longer able to meet the world in a mood of gay exploration.

넥서스 'How to TEPS 실전600 독해편'

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