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[영어/단어] 10 words(2) 1. archenemya chief enemy; Satan2. patriarchthe male head of a family or tribe3. anarchysociety without rule or government; lawlessness; disorder; confusion; chaos.4. hierarchyany system of persons or things ranked on above another; formerly, rule by church leaders, especially a high priest5. monarchyrule or government by a king, queen, emperor, or empress6. oligarchyrule or government by a few .. 2016. 1. 24.
[영어/단어] 10 words(1) 1. effusive (감정표현이) 야단스러운[과장된] unduly(지나치게) demonstrative; lacking reserve2. raison d'etre 존재이유reason or justification for being or existing3. amblyopia 약시dimness of sight, without an apparent organic cause4. exegesis (특히 성서의) 주해[해설]a critical explanation or interpretation, especially of Scripture(성서)5. dishabille 약복, 평복the state of being carelessly or partly dressed; a state of disarray or diso.. 2016. 1. 6.
[영어/단어] 10 words 1. badinage 친근한 농담light, playful banter or raillery2. salubrious 살기좋은, 건강에 좋은favorable to or promoting health; healthful3. apocryphal 출처가 불문명한, 사실이 아닐듯한of doubtful authenticity; false4. putsch 정부전복시도, 반란a plot to overthrow a government5. effeminacy 한글사전봤을 때의 뉘앙스와 영문해설의 뉘앙스가 다름.the quality of being soft or delicate to an unmanly degree in traits, tastes, habits, etc.6. daub= coat, cover, plaster,.. 2015. 10. 5.